The challenges that organisations face today are complex and often inter-connected. They include the real and perceived ability to deal with competition, internal dynamics, gaming the system, organisational alignment, and government regulations can be at times all consuming. It has been said that decision-making in today’s organisational world is much like driving a car, at night, on a winding road, in blinding rain, through the woods, with no headlights to illuminate the way forward. And to complicate the challenge even further, your organisational vehicle, because of technological gains, goes faster and faster. The ability to make the right decisions, at the right time, and for the right reasons, is key to ensuring that your organisation will be able to satisfy its strategic goals, and to do it sustainably.
James B Rieley, through his years of experience as a CEO, and subsequently, as an Advisor to senior decision-makers, is uniquely equipped to help decision-makers become more effective in not only what decisions are made, but how they are made. With a list of clients from small companies, to companies whose revenues are in the double-digit billions of euros. His depth and breadth of experience enables Rieley to help you ensure that your organisation can realise its potential.
The Rucksack Problem
"I appreciated very much the following aspects of your input:
• Very real life coaching of the Executive Team, as well as me personally
• Your guidance on my communication style and content made me a more effective leader
• Your support was very much to the point and always linked to our realty at hand, with tangible results
• You pushed our organisation to think and learn and then apply in our daily business
• You established and lectured a very well regarded and successful curriculum (Best People) to train our R&D managers on leadership effectiveness
• You established a successful facilitator program improving the outcomes of our meetings
• You showed great flexibility in adopting the approaches, and were always available on short notice”
Elmar Schnee, President, Merck-Serono, S.A.
Re-thinking the question